divorced mom

Married But Single

Are you married, but feel like most days you’re single?

I recently talked about this on Instagram, and sooo many other moms chimed in. (hit the link to see)

I completely understood the notion of being married but single because before I got divorced… I felt the same in some ways.

You know, you’re with the kids majority of the time, not getting much of a break, feeling overwhelmed, overworked for a job you don’t get paid for… and feeling like my partner wasn’t pulling weight.

Many women do not talk about being married but single because society has normalized the supermom mentality… which I absolutely loathe!

This isn’t the 1950s, we have rights, we can make choices.

If you want to be the SAHM, that’s fine… and if you don’t (which I didn’t) that’s fine too.

But doing it all… that’s not okay.

And we GET to start calling our counterparts out on this.

I do believe sometimes we as moms, and women, put ourselves in the supermom role because we believe our way is the right way…. when in reality it shoots down dad’s confidence to do things his way, or learn what works for him.

I always viewed it like this (when I was able to let go of “my way only”: let him bond with the babies how he wants, let him learn just how I did… Let him fail and let the babies cry without rescuing HE WILL FIGURE IT OUT… and my ex-husband did figure it out.

You know what this did in turn for me?!

It let me step back to take care of myself with a little less guilt, because I knew he knew what he was doing.

He was going to put them in harms way accidentally or intentionally.

It’s time for moms to stop sitting back and just dealing with things they aren’t okay with… stand up for yourself, or else you will be filled with resentment.